
How To Grow January Salad 2014 的冬天蔬菜之育苗

Handmade Water Ram 自製水力幫浦
Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶和雞寶錄影
Voice of goats 山羊的叫聲
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Home made food recipes
Edible Garden 可食庭園
Property Development 買山容易養山難

Art Works 手工藝品
Laminate Log House 小木屋
Books and Movies Review 讀書和電影心得

自耕自食必須考量一年到頭都有菜吃, 因此縱在嚴冬, 臥室裡的孵芽育苗, 仍不間斷. 

育苗小盆裡裝的是自製堆肥土, 種子按間隔播下後, 須立刻澆水, 與戶外栽苗一樣, 而且水要澆透, 不能只是表面濕潤, 之後卻不能天天澆水, 以免太濕, 種子或幼苗根部會爛在土裡, 

至於何時該澆水? 僅需用手指摸土表, 乾了就須再澆, 同樣一次澆透, 視天氣乾濕, 隔天或幾天澆一次水


例如今天若 8 點日出, 就幫已發芽的植物寶寶 8 am 開燈, 若下午 4 點日落, 就幫寶寶 4pm 關燈, 

這樣以後移植到暖房或戶外的時候, 才不會讓寶寶困惑, 難以適應而夭折,

畢竟只是幫他們模擬大自然的生長時序, 讓它們日後順利適應, 而非干涉.

當寶寶還在土裡, 沒冒出芽頭時, 不要開燈, 因為它需要的是睡眠, 也無必要浪費電. 

與人類寶寶一樣, 睡眠非常重要, 是生長發育必備要件, 須讓寶寶睡夠, 千萬不要打攪

當寶寶的頭頂, 快碰到燈管時, 就該移種了,

當然, 不是每個寶寶都能長這麼高, 只要看到他們夠健壯, 就可以放到母親的懷抱 (土壤)裡, 繼續長大. 

有的寶寶適合直接種到戶外 (例如 Kale),

有些則需種在暖房 (例如向日葵, 生菜), 以待初春.

植物愈少次移植愈好, 因此移種前要看好時機和地點, 不要一下放到暖房裡, 一下挖起來, 種到戶外, 

跟人一樣, 孩子經不起如此折騰, 輕則長不好, 重則夭折.

適合種到戶外的寶寶, 越經嚴寒, 與霜打雪降, 滋味越甜 (大白菜與 Tsai Mustard 即是), 放在室內嬌養, 反而滿嘴苦味, 長不好. 

反之, 適合溫暖環境生長的寶寶, 就不要想鍛練它冰打雪壓, 越折磨, 越萎縮, 長不大的.

植物也要放對位置, 方能充分發揮天性, 不至於怎麼調教, 都無法適性發展, 看起來像笨蛋, 糟蹋了天才


Winter Bean Soup 冬天的豆子湯

Handmade Water Ram 自製水力幫浦
Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶和雞寶錄影
Voice of goats 山羊的叫聲
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Home made food recipes
Edible Garden 可食庭園
Property Development 買山容易養山難

Art Works 手工藝品
Laminate Log House 小木屋
Books and Movies Review 讀書和電影心得

請點 "魔豆湯" 看中文版和所有材料圖片

Bean Base Thick Soup: 8 quart pot recipe
Please click Bean Soup to view picture
Vegetarian: please take out meat

2.5 cups dry beans, including:
1 cup runner beans, ½ cup black beans,
1 cup other dry bean varieties.
¼ cup dry hull-less pumpkin seeds
Day 1: soak above overnight in water, no salt

½ cup brown rice
½ cup buckwheat grouts, can substitute/add whole wheat berries
¼ cup chia seeds, optional
6 oz can of tomato paste, or use your own tomatoes
1 can drained black olives, whole or chopped
olive oil or avocado oil, if meat is too lean
3 medium heads garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2-5 jalapeño peppers, to taste, chopped
About 1 cup chopped fresh herbs: parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, others you like.

Small scoops of avocado and grated cheese

½ to 1 whole chicken, or 1-2 lbs stew beef chunks, or ham bone and pork chunks, or your choice

Day 2, if using chicken, put cut up chicken into steamer with 8 qt stock below steamer and steam until chicken meat falls off bones. Remove meat from bones and return meat only to chicken stock. Skim off excess fat if desired. If using beef chunks, brown in skillet. Ham bone and pork require no additional preparation

Day 2, while chicken is steaming---after beans and pumpkins seeds have soaked overnight, pour off water and rinse in colander, put beans back in a cooking pot and heat to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit, remove from heat and let sit for about 15 minutes—then pour off water and rinse.

Meat and beans are now ready to begin cooking in water or stock, using 8 qt stock pot. Cover and  bring to boil, then slow boil for two hours or until beans are soft. Use time to prepare the remaining ingredients. Add rice, buckwheat and dry grains, slow cook or simmer another hour.

Add tomato paste and black olives. Add olive oil or avocado oil if needed. Allow another hour to simmer.

Add chopped garlic, onion, peppers, and herbs. Simmer for 15 minutes.

Serve hot in bowls with fresh avocado and grated cheese as additional options.